December 29, 2008

Book Review 2-14 A New Zealand ADVENTURE

This book's characters are Sarah, Jessica and Michel. Sarah and Jessica are going to New Zealand for a holiday, they are very excited. At the airport Jessica saw the mobile phone on the taxi floor. and Sara took it, she could find the address, it was the owner is Michel. She knew his schedule by his mobile phone. They acted to same his schedule, because they want to back to Michael's mobile phone, but they couldn't see to him. inform to his schedule.When they went to Sky Tower in Auckland, Sara bung jumped from the tower, so she found the Michael. But Michael was walking away. then they couldn't look for the Michael, so they took his mobile phone to the police station. They met Michael, so she informed about the mobile phone to him. He got back his mobile phone, so he was please, he presented the whole watch ticiket to them. They were happy. I think kindness is good things.(167words)

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