September 26, 2009

under the building

This is to make each club's decoration, so my club makes for the Takuma festival, so we have to make the decorations, so we have to make the decorations, so i sometimes go there!!! so i would want to go to help them!!! So we have to make the deescalation!!! so i would want to help morethem!!! but i don't have a i want to have a lot of freedom time!!! so i can help them!!! (80words)

September 25, 2009

2009.9.22 from publication

Today, Mother bought this book what was written by Mrs.Mayumi. She is the Plam's member, this picture's man is Mrs. Mayumi's son. This book is Mr. Takeshi's 13 years story.

He has disability from illness, it's Higher Brain Function me too. His family are telling about disability to people. It's for example the book, TV and newspaper, and he is singer. He has disability about understand to lot of people!!! Our Plam's leader. Plam is Higher Brain Function's family meeting.

When I was first time, I happened to see him at the department store.It was two year half year ago. Because I watched the TV to was knowing him.

I think his family is so great, The book sale day was Takeshi's birthday. Thank you Ichinose family!!! I appreciate to them!!! Congratulation!!! (143words)

September 24, 2009

From today!!!

These are to look the each billboard, so i look too, so from today, we start Fall term start, so we have to look the billboard, so i look at there too!!! We have to look each them, so there are very important place!!! I look there too, so i think to start Autumn term!!! I'm enjoing there!!! (60words)

September 22, 2009

Ryukyu foods

I went to Ryukyu foods shop where are very delicious and very good place.Thank you for their persons and thank you for my friends!!! and there are very delicious foods!!! and very good astmosphere!!! Thank you!!! I want to go there again!!! (43words)

September 21, 2009

up stair the my room

These are my room's window, so my father and my mother attached the curtain, so i want to go my room!!! so i have to rehabilitate more!!! so thank you for my parents!!! I'm appreciate for my parents!!! Thank you so much!!! I want to go ups tear!!! I should rehabilitate more!!!Thank you so much for my paerents!!! and i hope to go up stare my room by myself!!! and when will i go up stare by my self...(82words)

September 20, 2009

Before the my room's window

This is the my room's window where is broken, so my father appear the window, so there was broken, so my father appeared them, so i want to go to my room!!! so i have to go up my room!!!and i want to go up stare!! I would go to the my room!!! Thank you so much!!!! I'm appreciate for his!!!and i would go to my room by myself!!! Thank you!!! I should go to up stare!!! (81 words)

There are to repair

These are my room, and he is my father, so he repair the blind shande, so he is sweat, so i appriciate for my father, and i want to sea there, so thank you for my father!!!! I'm appriciate for my for him!!! Thank you for my parents!!!!! (50words)