May 28, 2011

To welcome the freshmen

There are a lot of freshers, so They can't drink alcohol, so they drink a soft drink, so I remember my first grade age, so I'm happy to preparate this drink party!!! Thank you for invite me!!! From now on please regard for me!!!

Wedding party!!!

They are big grins on the face!!! Congratulations!!!!
She is my senior in the newspaper club, so when I was in first grade, I belonged to a Newspaper club, so they held on the party downtown in Kumamoto, so I made her of the party, so I'd like to say congratulations again!!! Thank you for inviting me!! There is in a very good mood!!! Congratulations!!!!! They look very happy!!! She is so pretty!!!(69words)

May 23, 2011

Human suport's room

There is human supporter's room what is in four building, so there is a take a lunch room and there is in four chateau, so there is to take a lunch and their is to have room for company, so I go there, so there have the bathroom, so i take it easy to go there!!! but I would like to speak English, so when I eat a lunch, so I chop about to take a where should I take a lunch!!!I enjoy that meal is eaten and chats in the support room!!!  (95words )

Arrive at KGU!!!

There is the 14 building where is located front of the gate!!!I arrived at KGU, from now so I'm accomplishment, so I wanna go there by myself, I'd like to go there by a train!!! I'd like to independent from my mother!!! (46words)

At the station

There is a Sanri- gi station where is a next to Haramizu station, so it is easy to go the station!!! There is slope-free, so i wanna have the look like this station!!! Near my house's the station is not Barrier-free for old people and disabled peersons!!! (50words)

May 22, 2011

At my junior high

There to stretch my back, so I always sit the chair, so I have to stretch my back, so It is very good way to stretch for my back, so I haven't done look like this stretch!!! I'd like to do a lot of stretches!!! and training for my arms!!! (55words)

At the downtown in kumamoto!!!

They are my acquaintance, so he is my therapist, so he is a PT who is very kindly and gentry, so I respect for him!!! From now on please regard for me!!! and his daughters are very cute!!! (38words)