December 25, 2008

I taken the pafe at depertment store.

I went to Tsuruya, I took the parfait, it is so delicious. I wanted to be sweet, so it was just time for me. Sweet is to make me mend. I often want to have some sweets, so I take a sweet, not to be fat to take the degree. but I can't remember, so I don't know how to take the things, so I have to excise more. (69 words)

1 comment:

Yuyu AtiQa said...

i'm juz wanna support u and i hope u can walk again..
i wanna be u'r friend..
can or not??
good luck..
do not ever give up,ok...
good luck,friend...
i'll pray for u..
-i'm atiqah from malaysia...
(hope we can be friend,yaa...)