July 5, 2008

It's hot days.

I think the earth is global warming.
It go on hot days.
I hope to not Gretal warming,
but we can't change the weather,
so we can not help doing.
I hope to not be worming.
The thing is as a man sows. (44words 10247)

July 4, 2008


I learn to write my blog from Mr Ozeki.
How to write down the memory note.
I reared the things.
Mr,Ozeki is rehabilitation's Trappist.
I was care of in hospital.
Thank you Mr Ozeki. from I was in hospital.
Thank you Mr, Ozeki. (45words 10203)

I taken at KGU.

I worry to the test how to become,but
I must take the unit.
I have to do somehow. (19words 10158)

July 3, 2008

I found it.

I found it.
what is this?
The answer is ant's nest. (13words 10139)

Today is my scheduele is.

I taken breakfast,
I'll be ready to go school.(10words 10126)

July 2, 2008

Today is END.

I taken two classes,
so I larned Japanese introduction, reading class,
I'm so sleepy,
I'll take a bath from now. (22words 10116)

It is very hot day.

I want to end the rainy seasons. (7words 10094)

I join the to raise funds.

I join the charity,
I participitation the charity. (8words 10087)

It's rainy hard.

I dislike rainy season.
I use wheelchair,
so I'm in trouble the rainy season.
I have two classes. (19words 10079)

July 1, 2008

Toaday is my schedule is.

It's very fine weather.
I'll have three classes.
I taken breakfast,
so I'll go to school.
From now I will go KGU.
I met Mr, Itinose.
He is Plam's reader. (34words10060)

June 30, 2008

Time flies!!

I think time is so speedy.
The end June,
but I think can't stop the time.
At once it will come summer,
i like the summer season.
I dislike winter season.
I want to come the summer season.
I feel very hot day.
I taken a diner.
We can't stop the time.
I think, we only live now,
the things is impoirtant. (64words 10026)

June 29, 2008

I went to the place.

I went to the meeting.
I taken part the meeting.
I was went down two years ago.
I know the one man.
The man's name is Mr,Irita.
He is gentleman.
I was not sick,so I can't met the man. (43words 9962)

This picture is

I learn how to use the wheelchair,
I use wheelchair,so i join us. (14words 9919)

This picture is

I went to training coerce of wheelchair, so I learn the wheelchair of how to use.There are lot of parsons, so I'm tired, I taken bath, so i will go bed now. I have a sense of fulfillment day.
I'm so sleepy, so I'll go to bed now. (52words 9905)