April 2, 2010

New place!!!

These are a lot of parking area where is my university, so to enter my university a lot of wheelchairs, so i think to enter a lot of weelchairs, so i think university ought to change more!!!!! These are a lot of parking area where is my university, so to enter my university a lot of wheelchairs, so i think to enter a lot of weelchairs, so i think university ought to change more!!!(40words)

April 1, 2010

Thank you!!!

These are a lot of Origami what were I'm hospitalization a one year, so these give me of each meal, so i went to make them a few time, so thank you for make them!!!! I was pleasure each meal, I'm appreciate!!! these has preserved for three years!!! Thank you so much!!! I'm pleasure each meal!!!! (60words)

March 31, 2010

Present for us

This is a lot of snacks what is Rikisi, so i difficult to eat them, so i miss them..., but i ate it, so good taste, so thank you!!! I am appreciate you!!!! I like the taste!!! Thank you!!!! (40words)

March 30, 2010

Very beautiful locatoin

I went to a picnic under the chery blossams where is Hakemiya park, it's so beautiful there is a lot of persons, so thank you for my club's members!!! I spent a good time with my club's members!!!I like my cluhb's members!!! (41words)

March 29, 2010

Beautiful Arch

There are a lot of cherry bros sames arch what is a very long long way, so i feel a good wind, so i think to come spring season at last!!! we feel spring season!!! Thank you for the sun!!! Thank you for all of them!!! I will go to picnic under the cherry blossoms. Thank you for good season!!! The season is to want to go outside!!!!!! (70words)

March 28, 2010

Beautiful location

I can see a lot of beautiful things there where are lovely, and there are very beautiful location!!! Thank you for spring season when are to graduate and meeting season. I would want to see a lot of beautiful locations at this season!!! I like the best this season!!!! I think This season is entrance school season!!! I want to see a lot of spring things!!! (66words)

Family history!!!

This is a lot of photos what is our family history, so i think everyone grew up, from my grand parents wedding fifty years, so i think my grand parents wedding anniversary, so thank you for grand parents!!! so thank you for my grand parents!!! I would want to say so thank you for my ancienter!!! Thank you for my ancestry!!! (61words)