May 3, 2008


My friend take with me,
Maririn's Bar, I'll so happy, She is college of friend,
She was my circle's friend, So I'll so happy today, and she drives take with me. (35words 1881)

It's so fresh morning.

I'm so fresh, I wake up eight o'clock, And I had breakfast, And My sister was not yet, I wake up eight'clock, And Iwill go to Maririn's bar with my friend, So My friend will take with me her car, Iwill so fun. (47words 1846)

May 2, 2008

This room is

This room is English lounge. I went to English lounge with Ayaka, lunch time. Ayaka is speaking classmate. I went to with Ayaka first time there. There were Mr's. Judy and oversea students and Japanese students. They enjoy to talk with everyone. But I didn't spoke English. This room is don't speak Japanese,so my mother laugh only. I want to speak English more last Friday. I was happy today, Thank you everyone. (76words 1799)

Thank you mom.

Mr, tomei teaches writing class, I'm very happy, This spring, I returned university. Always My mother follow me everyday, So I'm defect of memory's, So my mother flow me. My dream is by my self, Thank you my mother. (42words 1723)

May 1, 2008

Thank you grandmother.

My grandmother come home always, so I appreciate to for grandmother. My grandmother make diner often. My grandmother is so fun. My family is supports by grandmother. appleciate grandmother Thank you! (31words 1681)


I'm very helping. Thanks 'this place' Thanks this place. (9words 1650)

April 30, 2008

Today's finish.

I met Keisuke and Jyunki after study in liberally.
They are my friends. I have knew them from three years ago at KGU.
They are funy and kindeness So I'm happy. Thank you for Keisuke and Jyunki. (38words 1641)

The man.

This is front of library, man.

I didn't noticed the man.

I went to study room, so I did my home work.

The man please give it best. (29words 1603)


I was my homework so did my best yesterday.
I have to presentation for Mr. Kamimoto.
Mr. Tomei's homework finished of monday.
Next homework is treasure So I do my best!! (32words 1574)

April 29, 2008

I'm so fun.

My hair colored brown by my sister.
I had colored since two half years ago.
I like so much. Thank you Saki!! (22words 1542)

This picture is

My house has water tank, and I has some tropical fishes. This picture is one of fish of tank ,KORIDORAS is boss in some tropical fishes. I bought the fish seven years ago. .(33words 1520)

GOLDEN -week

From today GORLDEN-WEEk,
My schedule is friend pick up to me to bier.I'll so pleasure.
Only one schedule and I need to recharge my batteries So, I have to build up my strength. (36words 1487)

April 28, 2008

Post Card

This card is from Mr. Miyagawa. He is travel of universal doeskin president. His company is travel planing to handycap persons. I met him last year. I hope to go to America by Mr. Miyagawa. Thank you, Mr.Miyagawa so I'm happy today!! (44words 1451)

At yesterday's KUMANITI news paoer is

My friend appeared on KUMANITI. He and I were same on bite. He is working PARUKO now. I'm happy to appereron KUMANTI. (23words 1407)

April 27, 2008

Today is

I want to buy some closes at Uniqro. So UNIQRO is very cheep. And I do my home work. I taken bath. So I will go to bed now. (29words 1384)