October 3, 2009

After the parade!!!

There is a bar where "Aunn" is so we take a lot of drinks and food. for example requel and glass and many kinds of drinks, so the picture finished the party, so we went out of the drink shop, so we said goodbye and good job!!! Thank you to my club's members!!! (261words)

Thank you for my club's members!!!

These are my club's members, so I'm grad for them, so thank you for club's members and to push me, so i was helped them, so thank you for my club's members!!! Thank you for my club's member!!!! I spent the good time!!! I'm appriciate for them!!! I want to  spend more time at there!!!! Thank you!!!!!(6words)

To start the parade!!!

There are to get together at the KGU's park, so we had gone the downtown, so we start to walk and at the downtown, so we are waiting for aather club's parade, so i taken at there, we are waiting for our turn, so we're very hot and I dry my mouth, so we don't dink a water, so i was very very hot, so the day is very hot , but the day is a little wind, so I'm profit the day!!! and after the day we went out the downtown, so e taken the tiredress dinner!!! so I was very funny day!!! (108words)

September 27, 2009

Make the Preparation!!!

This is to make for Takuma festival, so i make it with my club's members, so i can do limited, but i can do any things, so i hope to help with my club members...so i would want to help them!!! so i want to be help them!!! so the festival finish, then i tire the club... I'm miss them!!!so I'm miss them... thank you for my club's members!!! I'm appriciate for them!!! I spent a good time!!!! Thank you for my club's members!!!(85words)