January 1, 2011

At my grand mother's house

There is a lot of dishes and drinks, so there is to take a lot of excellent dishes, so there are to preparation by my grandmother, so we ate them, so thank you for preparation for us!!! so we spent a good New Year!!! Thank you for invite us!!!! (50words)


We went to Shinto, so we pray for to come a good year, so there are a lot of people, so I prayed for a good year too!!! so there are many many persons, then I through for my poket money!!! so there is a lot of persons!!!!

December 31, 2010

Very cold!!!

There is very cold where is in Ohzu, Ohzu is near my home, so my living place is very cold too!!! When I was high school student, I went to there by my bicycle, so I difficult to understand my high school age!!! Unbelievable!!!