November 30, 2011

My best place!!!

There is a pool downtown in Kumamoto, so I used to go there, but the pool is closed, but there pool is too easy to enter the water, so I have to find another place to pool!!! I missed you there!!! (253words)

To get on the bed!!!!

There is to do well doing, so I can get on the bed, so I have to move well for my left arm, so I have to pull a rubber!!! Thank you for her rehabilitation!!! I'd like to move well for my left arm!!!!! (50words)

At my home

There is to push up to the bed, so I difficult to move my arms from back to my back, so I have to practise that, so if I come off from my wheelchair, so I have to get on it!!! so I have to practice that!!! if I could do that, I can get in my wheelchair, so I have to practice!!! Thanks to her rehabilitation. If I can do this, I could get up the wheelchair, so I have to practice move this movement!

November 29, 2011

Feel cold!!!

There is in my university, so there trees became Austumun, so I feel Autumn seasons, so when I wake up in the morning, so night and morning are cold!!!! I don't like it's cold morning!!!!!!! (60words)