July 16, 2009

There are my seminar's members

I join the speech study seminar, so they are my seminar's members who are very very fun and very gentle!!! Thank you for my seminar members!!!

I'm apprivciarte them. (31words 10042)

July 15, 2009

There are to good bye party

They are dancing of Japanese style dance, so they are very very cute and very very beautiful, so i haven't seen them dance, but they are good dancing. I'm miss them for them... (51words10012)

This is the see you party of overseas students

I went to the dormitory where to take place see you party of oversea students, so i taken good time and to take a lot of foods what is maden by their over see students. so i only said thank you for visit Kumamoto, and visit KGU!!! I enjoy there, so I'm miss them... i feel sad, so please come again Kumamoto.Please come again Kumamoto!!! I'm miss them. (71words 9961)

July 12, 2009

There are the my club's members

He is my club's member,This club is about fifteen persons is so big club, so i didn't stay the place, but i only ate the breakfast, so i'm appriciate for him!!!! Thank you so much for them!!! (41words)