November 12, 2011

English Weekend!!!

I went there where is Nishi-Koushi learning center, and there are a lot of foreign students, so I communicated with overseas students and Japanese students, so I think there is a good opportunity for communicating with oversea students!!! I like to speak English!!!

My uni''s training institute

I went to there where is Nishi-Koushi learning center, so I communicated with oversea students and Japanese students, so I think there is a good opportunities for communicating with oversea students!!! I like to speak English!!!There is the building is my university training instrument where is at nishi-goushi, so I can go there easy to go by a car!!!! I had a good time with a lot of people!!! I'm appreciate for their stuff!!!!! (80words)

November 6, 2011

Bring together place!!!

There is a house what is to bring together place what is my plam's members house it is so good design and inner packaging is so good, so i can go into the house what is to easy to enter, so I drift into to build the house!!!