November 7, 2009

After the boad Meeting

We leave up there, so we will go to a drinking party, then I was very cold and very lonely, so we said about things, after then we go to a drinking party, so we will leave out there... I went to a drinking party I was happy then!!!! It was a board meeting what was a very very long meeting!!!!! Thank you (60words)

November 2, 2009


This is the my club's portable shrine what is Totoro what was demolished the portable shrine what was broken by my friends, so I'm miss then, so I was so sad.., but I'm apprticiate the portable shrine!!! Thank you!!! I hit the shrine by my self too!!!Thank you for the shrine and my club's members!!! (60words)

After the festival

We have to demolition the my club room's decoration, so we have to demolition of the decoration, but I don't want to dismantlement of the decolation..., but there are study room, so we have to demolition of the decoration..., (41words)


This is to present my friends who are my before club's friends who are excellent guys and excellent friends, so when I was surprised by my friends, thank you to my friends!!! When I was in the first grade, so I belonged newspaper club, so when I was first great, I belonged to a newspaper's club, so I was happy, I'm a lucky boy, so I live now!!! so I want to live fully in my life!!! (384words)

After the festival

We will go to the drink party,so my friends are sleep then, but I didn't sleep then because i slept in my car before the drink party. From then we will go to drink party, so i was happy day, so the rice croquette's sale was very good, so i only payed 500yen, so I went to the Drinking party, so i want to spend more time with my club's friends. so thank you for my friends!!! so thank you for my club's members!!! Finish the festival... I'm miss them, but i have to retire the club..., so I have to be a old boy... (102 words)

November 1, 2009

Takuma festival

They are my club's members who are very very kind guys, so thank you for them!!! I like them!!! I don't want to retire the club!!! If i retire the club I'm so sad... I like them and I love about my club's members!!! Thank you for my club's members!!! (50words)

First grade my friends

These are my club's members who 38 generations so my club is so old club, so i'm 36 generation, so very historical club, so i conect with old my club's senior, so i want to spend with my club's members, but i can do anything with my club's members!!!

Club's DVD

This is to present by my club's members, so thank you for my club's members, and i was surprised, so i haven't known the DVD, so thank you for my club's members!!! I spent a good time with them!!! Thank you!!! I'm miss them, but from now on please call me Harattyo!!! Thank you for my club's members!!! I want to spend more time with my club's members!!!! so I'm very happy!!! (80words)