April 30, 2009

I'm worried about the influenza

To start the vacation,
so i will have a lot of holidays, so my holiday is five days, but i have no plane so i think, so what i will do the holidays, so what Will you do the holidays? My plane is rest time and rehabilitate, so you take a good holidays, I think you need to take a rest time too!!! I think the big news is influenza in the world, I'm worried about the news, so i wish is not raging the sick, so i have to lavatory and gargle, so this is our best doing. Expansion of the influenza in the over the world, so you will go to the abroad, you should be careful!!! I wish the influenza is not expansion more!!! The illness is very very very scary!!!!! (136words 4600words)

April 28, 2009

Book review 1-12 Goodbye, Hello!

I read the book “Goodbye Hello! This story is Daniel and Alex brother when they went to go shopping at the big store. One Thursday, they go to buy the mother’s birthday present, but they looks to want to the things each other, Daniela talks to the Alex, but he is not looking her, then a little girl hits to the man and he falls down, he is pain and to angry for a girl, then a girl in red comes to there, so she is very beautiful, so Alex take a fancy to her, he thinks want to know her name. Then Alex knows her name one day, he is happy!! I recommended this book!!! So you should try it!!! (122words 4464)

April 26, 2009

This is my dinner on Sunday

This is my dinner which made by my father and it is very colorful, so i ate the dinner, and so i difficult to eat such there, but i take it easy to eat, but the dish easy to eat, so thank you my father!!! I appreciate my family, so my family assemble in our table, so let's have them!!! (61words 4342)

This is the cherry.

Their are a lot of birds, and so for example, brace birds and the big birds and mate birds and a lot of birds, so I taken this picture at my garden, so it's three gains, i hope to there are so i hope to growth my gardens to growth a lot fruit, so my family is very happy, and so there are a lot of flouts and vegetables, so i think maybe their birds watches the cherry!!! Thank you for the land and thank you for the water!!! so we are bress with the land and water!!!! (100words 4281)

Book Review 1-11 Trouble at the Zoo

I read the book “Trouble at the zoo”. This is about Mike and friend’s story.One day they go to the zoo, “Bay View Zoo” then there is to explanation of the rules, the explanation by Mr. Jenkins. They look around the zoo, and then Mike is noisy and to not keep. Mike picks up the baby kangaroo, Mike’s friends says “Stop it”, and is angry with Mike and baby kangaroo’s mother is very angry, so Mike is escape from there, but Mike goes through the gate and closes it. Mike was made angry by Mr. Jenkins.

Every one!! We should keep the rule, the most important!! (110words 4181)