October 13, 2008

Apreciate everyone★

English weekend was end two days, The last active, i regret to pic the fruits to not go to there, because I'm tired. I stayed the KGU institute, so i have stayed overnight twice. The two days, I spend the good time!!I was enjoyed.I make the friends, to i make my calling card to make the many friends.so i made more many friends. Thank you Mr. Tomei, Mr. Waterman , I appreciate them!! Thank you!! I met Mr. Hori at there, and Juddy and Jurry.My friends raised up stair I'm a lucky boy!! I am a lucky boy!! Thank you foreigner!! and Thank you every one!!! I Fidela my calling card,so i dialed to frighten country's members. (124words)

1 comment:

Taro said...

Hi, Harattyo. Thank you your comment! You spent very good times through English Weekend! Your diary looks very happy. I think teachers always makes fun plannings for us:) Sometimes they also give us many asignments(^皿^)
Please tell me about this experience when we meet next!