April 12, 2010


This is to entrance ceremony of kindergarten where is my sister's workplace, so she is working in kindergarten. so she is so busy, when she backs at my home, she looks like so busy.She is a teacher, so i difficult to understand for she is called teacher!!!! (50words)


miku said...

hi!! I'm miku. thank you left comment to my blog.
I'm friend of Megumu!!
I know you. Nice to meet you!!

kozue said...

thank you for comments. I don't take a first class! Let's do our best each other! Bye bye★

Ai Shimada said...

Hi!My writing class teacher is Mr.Lavin.Please come to the English lounge again!

saki said...

Thank you for your comment:)
I'm Saki!
Nice to see you;)
The picture is cute!!!