November 15, 2009

In our refrigation

These are to buy a lot of frozen things which are bought at Costoco where are in Fukuoka at Hisayama where are very far at my home, so we went to there by high way, so I was tired, but my father was very tired, so thank you for my father and thank you for my family!!! There are Pizza, and bagel, so many things!!! There are cheep and where are look like America!!! so you haven't gone there, you should go there!!! I recoment there!!!!!! (90words)


Takako said...

Hi Harattyo!! This is Takako from English Lounge! I've sent your gmail an invitation for our staff blog! Please confirm it! Thanks:)

See you at English Lounge!



Anonymous said...

We have a Costoco here too!
(called Costco here in US) They are very cheap here also! :-D