May 29, 2009

Essay 2 My Treasure

I have a lot of my treasures.
First of my treasure is my family, we are five parsons, I have two sisters, we are friendly, smiley and are not cease very big laugh voice, and are very cheerful. From sick on I was helped by my sisters. I am helping by my family every day. I like my family, and feel good with my family. My treasure is my family.

Second of my treasure is friends, I have a lot of friends whose are very fun, so they were supported for me, I was during hospitalization one year, my friends always visited for me, and got power and encouragement by my friends, thanks to my friends, I could spend hospitalization life. From I returned my university, I have new friends at there. I am joining the club, and have a lot of my friends. I am spending the good time. I appreciate with my friends, so my treasure is my friends.
Finally of my treasure is my life, and my life was changed by my sick. So lost much my body is not freedoms, and I think I’m feeling regrettable, but my mind became freedom, and became strong. I am living hard more than sick before. Now, other my life way about began to start, my life have very difficult, and so I want to laugh to spend my life. I am appreciating with my life, and my illness. I’m living now, so I maybe sick is my treasure too, so my parents thanks too. My treasure is my life.(262words 6085)

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