May 16, 2008

1.Is your sidebar organized and have your visited all of your classmates blogs at least once?
I think, mrs.Yukari Akehi.

2.If not, explain why, if so, give your impression.Have you labeled all your book reviews and essays?
My best book review " The Well ", because we are watched by pass away men. My best essay is "my treasure",because, my treasure is life and memories and my body, and my family, and my friends. My all self is treasure.

3.Does your blog include pictures and/or videos?
No, I didn't include my blog.

4.What is your best post? Why? (please also link to it)
My blog is not special post.

5.What is your best book review? Why? (please link to it) (128words 3508)

Book Review 1-3 The Well
I read" The well" This book is Grandmother and the family love story.Grandmother is old and sick, and she lives in her bed all day. She looks the photograph her headband,she catch ed message from him, he is dead. The message, pump from a well in old farm. The farm is dangerous, because the volcano is near the farm. Two Grandchild goes to old farm for Grandmother. They are lucky. The volcano isn't active,so they can pass volcano's check point.They met kindness woman, she said my well take some water, but they goes to old farm. They walk,There are no houses, there are no animals. There is dry grass and dust, so they hear strange sound, the sound is ghost For The sound, they guide to old farm. There tree is bear some oranges, they pulls some oranges. They draw water from well, but the water doesn't smell good. They hold the rope hard, so It's gold,they surprised. They were encounter many difficulties, but they could take bucket to home for Grandmother. I think the wind is Grandfather, because I think, passed away mans, they has been watching to family.

6.What are the good points and bad points about this writing class?
I like Mr tomei, and klindness, thank you. I was helped from this class's assistant, Mikio and Yui. I do my best,
I think special not bad.

7.(2 year students only) Have you done all your typing homework assignments? What do think of these assignments?
I didn't typing. (264words 3380)

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